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MY MASKLACE was spearheaded by 3 sisters looking for a solution to a new and unexpected problem in 2020. What to do with your mask when you temporarily take it off. 


Wear it as a beard? Set it down in a pile of ketchup? Come home from camp with someone else's mask? (all true stories that happened to them). 


MY MASKLACE started with a simple piece of ribbon tied to the mask string. It evolved into a beading project and ended with a final project using parachute cording. They didn't stop there though! 


They have since added an Aromatherapy Masklace to their collection for use with essential oils, as well as "Inspiration" Colors. These colors represent a cause that they would like to donate to. From Masklace sales, they have donated to a Food Bank, Pediatric Cancer Awareness and Breast Cancer Prevention (see Inspiration Page for more details). 

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